2025 Computer Science Entry-level Jobs in Washington

Are you interested in pursuing entry-level jobs in computer science? If you answered yes to that question, you’ll be happy to know that there are many positions available within this fast-growing field and that the vast majority of them pay remarkably well. Computer and information research scientists, for example, can make an average salary of $100,66 per year, and that includes those working in jobs in computer science! These professionals are the ones who create—either on their own or, more likely, in teams—new computer programs and technologies. They might also have a hand in bettering programs or technologies that already exist. If this particular entry-level job in computer science isn’t the right choice for you, know that there are many others. You could, for example, become a software developer. The salary is still quite high, around $90,530 per year, and you’ll get to spend your days creating, editing, and testing new software programs, meaning you’ll have a direct hand in influencing the technology of tomorrow! Plus, positions for software developers are expected to grow by a whopping 30% by 2020, which is considered much faster than average for all professions by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While there are many good places at which you can find a computer science job, there are definitely some leaders in the industry. Great places to work include Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Apple, and many others. However, with technology at the core of today’s newest companies, entry-level jobs in computer science can offer great opportunities at start-ups and SMBs. These companies need software engineers that are equip with the tools to begin taking on significant roles within the company. If you’re ready for adventure and for exciting, fast-paced, and ever-changing work, then these careers are for you!

Explore 2025 Computer Science Entry-level Jobs

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